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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Watching baseball on TV for the first time

I watched a baseball game on TV for the first time. It was very interesting. Here's what I learned:

1.) EVERYONE chews gum. And spits. The red-heads. The blondes. The black-haired. The white-haired. The no-haired. Everyone seems to have this need to chew bubblegum and spit.

2.) The athletes (in this game at least) celebrate with the same look on their face as they do when they're commiserating. Intense. Fierce. Slighly constipated. And utterly hilarious. To the baseball fans of the world, forgive me for being irreverent. My intention is not to annoy, but only to speak my truth. Sometimes my truth is annoying.

3.) Baseball caps actually serve a purpose- they block the sun. For the longest time I thought it was a fashion statement because whenever I saw guys wearing htem backwards, I thought, Oh, just a trend thing, like girls who wear sparkly scarves when it's hot. I mean, what's the point of wearing a cap backwards? To get sunburned on the face rather than the neck?

4.) There's a coach for each base. They tell the player whether or not to go on to the next base. To Run or Not To Run. That is the question.

5.) The audience is as intense as the game. Sometimes even more intense - so intense they pick fights. Sometimes it's funner to watch the fans interact among themselves than it is to watch the game.

6.) The referee is very animated. To say whether or not the pitcher did a good ball (is that even the right phrase?), he jumps around, wiggles his arms and then does a motion that looks like he pulled a trigger, and sometimes even looks like a happily drunken man. It must be great fun to be the referee :) Well, it seems fun to me, anyway.

Hope the Giants and Phillies are having a good time!



  1. I never really liked baseball games. Too boring in my opinion. What you said though makes it seem so fun xD

  2. Hahahaha yayyy. Sports really is quite interesting...if you watch people watch sports.


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