The Land of the Ladadahs

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

An educational experience indeed...

Yesterday after school I was hanging with some people in the library and they started cracking up when they saw a Viagra ad on the computer. I was like, "uh, what's that?"

Now they all think I live under a rock or something. Because apparently Viagra ads are everywhere and it is supposedly SO WEIRD that I don't know what they are.

I can't help but wonder, So what if they're everywhere? I don't notice them. Is is considered strange to not be so interested in erectile dysfunction (learned this term from my friend by the way hahaha. The same friend who gave me cookies teh other day)

Well, I guess now I know what Viagra is, but it still doesn't interest me much. In fact, nothing about it is that interesting, except maybe the name. It's an unusual name. I wonder how they got it. Maybe it's named after some dude named Viagra who had "erectile dysfunction" issues.

But all this stuff isn't important anyway. The important thing is.
I saw a light green Smart Car (sp?) today. IT IS SO CUTE. AHHHHHHHHHHH



  1. Haha. reminds me, I drove a Mini Cooper home 'n it was my cousin's and its so...different!
    sex on wheels....@_@


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