The Land of the Ladadahs

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Monday, October 18, 2010

A Homecoming-related Misadventure

This morning I showed up at school wearing my lovely red CSM sweater because I miss my CSM friends very much. My friends looked at my sweater and immediately demanded, "Okay. Who's your date for Homecoming?" I was quite bewildered and asked them to explain what Homecoming had anything to do with my sweater. Apparently today was a Spirit Day - Stoplight Day - and everyone who has a date for the Homecoming dance this weekend was supposed to wear red. And of course, the one day I decide to wear this sweater, which I haven't worn for a month (and it's the only red piece of clothing I have), is the day that wearing red actually means something. Sigh. It was both funny and exasperating when people were like, "ooohh, who's your date?" and each time they asked, I truthfully replied, "Dude. I didn't even know Homecoming was this week." hhahahaa.

So just to clarify, I'm not going to the dance. And I'm not dating. Speaking of dating, I find boyfriend questions very strange as well. I remember quite recently, a classmate asked me, "I heard you're dating so-and-so." And I remember thinking, I am?

Why am I always the last one to find out who I'm dating?

Rumors and gossip are such strange, fickle creatures. It's strange when people ask me questions like that, especially when I've never so much as held hands with any guy in my life.  I'll never understand rumors, but hey, much weirder things have happened. Besides, these kind of incidents always give me a good laugh.

Tomorrow I must tell you about how people were making fun of me today because I didn't know what Viagra is. It was a bit hurtful, but I'll blog about it and feel much better. I must go now and study for my physics test.


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