The Land of the Ladadahs

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Monday, November 1, 2010

On the subject of lonely

I generally prefer not to talk about myself or my feelings in my blogs (ironic isn't it since I'm doing that right now haha ah well) because I realize that people are, naturally, far more interested in what I think than in who I am. Heck, I'm like that too. I read books because I am curious about what the author has to say rather than because I care about the author. Of course, later I might start actually caring about the author because this person has created so much wonderful work for me and others to enjoy.

I do talk about little incidents that happen to me, but I'm not really talking about myself exactly.  I just like to talk about stuff that happened to me but that could also happen to others. For that reason, I try to avoid talking about anything personal or sad or not fun. Today I'm going to write a little blog that's kind of an exception to that rule. It won't be sappy or over-dramatic, I promise. Or self-pitying. Or bitter (at least, I hope it isn't.)

DISCLAIMER: when I talk about "they" or "people" or "classmates," realize I'm not saying EVERYONE is the way I describe them in the following ramblings. There are a lot of people I love and respect but some of my peers just...confound me, and these are the ones I'm talking about in the next paragraphs. If I offend you, I apologize ahead of time, but remember, I'm not talking about everyone...just some people.

Sometimes I come home from school feeling worn out in a way that I can't explain. I think it's because I often don't get excited about the stuff that people usually get excited about. A lot of my classmates get excited over anything that has a sexual connotation; nothing wrong with that, it's just that all these sex jokes kind of bore me. They get all whipped up (at this point I know at least one person who will yell THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID when reading the phrase "whipped up") over That's what she said jokes. I don't mind those - I do get a chuckle out of them at times - but I get more excited over small and admittedly dorky things like cookies or treehouses or the sky that looks so beautiful today. Yeah, I probably sound like a sap for staring at clouds for like 10 minutes. (but clouds truly are fascinating! They're so similar and yet so different. They look like they don't move but they're constantly changing. Some are wispy, some are fluffy like the best quality pillows people could ever make except BETTER...and I could go on about clouds and how freaking unassuming yet gorgeous they are, but I won't don't worry lol)

Mmm continuing on this "rant"...people never me seriously. It's just a fact and one that I"m getting used to. When I'm joking they laugh; when I'm being serious they laugh even more. It's not their fault they don't "get" me; I don't understand them well either. I know that no one is under any kind of obligation to understand me. Being understood is a luxury. Still, I feel tired because I try so hard to understand high school and teh way it works, and it's been almost four years now and I'm still as lost and oblivious about how it functions and what's considered awkward and not awkward. Some people I know laugh for 30 minutes at a time over sex jokes and then they accuse ME of being awkward. I'm thinking hello? I'm not the one who gets all my laughs out of penis or vagina jokes. Jeez. It's like sex jokes/That's what she said jokes are becoming the knock knock jokes of high school. Funny at first, and then they get old fast. But people still abuse them relentlessly.

There are other things about high school that I don't understand, but I won't detail them because then this blog would be like a gazillion pages long. I guess that's why sometimes I prefer to be alone, because then I feel less lonely.

So I'm going to end the rant here for fear of sounding like a total whiner or drama queen :) haha But a girl's gotta rant once in awhile, yes?

Oh, and one more thing. It bothers me a little that a lot of people think I'm dumb. When I qualified for National Merit Semifinalist, let's just say that more than one person reacted with, "Whaattt? YOU got national merit? I didn't know you're smart enough to!"

Yeah, that's pretty uncalled for, don't you think?

Can't a girl talk about dessert and Smart Cars and Twilight and guys in short shorts and be smart still?


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Finally watched Twilight

Hey guys! Hope your weekend is off to a great start. I promise I'll write the physics episode soon - some of you have been asking for it. And I will, promise. But today I'm talking about Twilight. Yes, I finally watched Twilight - well, some of it - on YouTube, and I couldn't help but keep fastforwarding every 5 minutes. Nevertheless, I got to the end of the movie and want to jot down some things about it, so here we go:

Nothing really seems to happen in the movie, except until teh end when the vampires engage in vampire-y warfare. A lot of the movie consists of Bella and Edward staring at each other for long periods of time. I don't know, when I date someone, I sure hope to be doing more than just staring at the guy the whole time. If someone asked me, "So what do you do with your boyfriend?" and all I could come up with is, "We stare at each other," I think that'd be worrisome.

Another thing that bothers me: Edward wants to EAT HER. Call me crazy but...if a guy looked at me as if I were a tasty muffin and informed me that I was like his "own personal brand of heroin," I'd run away prettttty fast...that's not saying much because my mile time is like 12 minutes. But still, I'd carry around pepperspray in my backpack for a couple days at least. And get a bodyguard or something. I really don't want to be a guy's muffin. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE muffins. Especially chocolate muffins. I just don't want to BE one.
Also, I remember 2 yeras ago I thought Edward Cullen is hot. I'm not embarassed about it and I still believe I have every right to admire good-looking guys even if others make fun of me for it, but I have changed my mind about Edward recently. The truth is, I don't want a sparkly boyfriend. In fact, i don't really want a boyfriend who looks perfect/pretty. It'll feel too much like I'm dating a poster instead of a real person. It's like Barbie's Ken enlarged to real life size, standing at my side. It's a bit frightening, not to mention that if I ever introduce the perfect-looking guy to my mom, I might accidentally say,"Meet ken...I mean (insert guy's real name)."

The biggest flaw of Twilight is this. With all of that intense, "Rawr I'm a vampire" action going on, the characters don't have time to sit down, simply enjoy each other's company, and help each other make the hard decisions in life.

Like, should I have blueberry or cranberry scones? If Edward were my boyfriend, he wouldn't be able to help me with that.

Because he'd be too busy trying not to eat me.


Friday, October 22, 2010

"Do you live under a rock?"

Later today I will upload a blog about the most recent physics video we watched in class today. In the meantime, I want to address something real quick.

People have been asking me if I live under a rock because I am apparently oblivious about a lot of things. If you read my previous blogs, you'd know about the Viagra incident. Similar events have occurred (like my not knowing what a high-water is - they're pants that are too short) that made me want to answer that lovely question, "Do you live under a rock?"

No, I don't. I'll tell you all the places where I live.

I live in my head. It's a strange, bizarre, unpredictable place that I don't understand but love anyway.

I live in the sky. It's a very welcoming place with lots of  fluffy pillows, surreal paint colors and a home-y canvas to paint on. So no, I don't live under a rock. And for the folks who are like, "You don't live in this world, do you?" I guess, maybe I don't live in "this world" - whatever that means.

I live in better places.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Watching baseball on TV for the first time

I watched a baseball game on TV for the first time. It was very interesting. Here's what I learned:

1.) EVERYONE chews gum. And spits. The red-heads. The blondes. The black-haired. The white-haired. The no-haired. Everyone seems to have this need to chew bubblegum and spit.

2.) The athletes (in this game at least) celebrate with the same look on their face as they do when they're commiserating. Intense. Fierce. Slighly constipated. And utterly hilarious. To the baseball fans of the world, forgive me for being irreverent. My intention is not to annoy, but only to speak my truth. Sometimes my truth is annoying.

3.) Baseball caps actually serve a purpose- they block the sun. For the longest time I thought it was a fashion statement because whenever I saw guys wearing htem backwards, I thought, Oh, just a trend thing, like girls who wear sparkly scarves when it's hot. I mean, what's the point of wearing a cap backwards? To get sunburned on the face rather than the neck?

4.) There's a coach for each base. They tell the player whether or not to go on to the next base. To Run or Not To Run. That is the question.

5.) The audience is as intense as the game. Sometimes even more intense - so intense they pick fights. Sometimes it's funner to watch the fans interact among themselves than it is to watch the game.

6.) The referee is very animated. To say whether or not the pitcher did a good ball (is that even the right phrase?), he jumps around, wiggles his arms and then does a motion that looks like he pulled a trigger, and sometimes even looks like a happily drunken man. It must be great fun to be the referee :) Well, it seems fun to me, anyway.

Hope the Giants and Phillies are having a good time!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

An educational experience indeed...

Yesterday after school I was hanging with some people in the library and they started cracking up when they saw a Viagra ad on the computer. I was like, "uh, what's that?"

Now they all think I live under a rock or something. Because apparently Viagra ads are everywhere and it is supposedly SO WEIRD that I don't know what they are.

I can't help but wonder, So what if they're everywhere? I don't notice them. Is is considered strange to not be so interested in erectile dysfunction (learned this term from my friend by the way hahaha. The same friend who gave me cookies teh other day)

Well, I guess now I know what Viagra is, but it still doesn't interest me much. In fact, nothing about it is that interesting, except maybe the name. It's an unusual name. I wonder how they got it. Maybe it's named after some dude named Viagra who had "erectile dysfunction" issues.

But all this stuff isn't important anyway. The important thing is.
I saw a light green Smart Car (sp?) today. IT IS SO CUTE. AHHHHHHHHHHH


Monday, October 18, 2010

A Homecoming-related Misadventure

This morning I showed up at school wearing my lovely red CSM sweater because I miss my CSM friends very much. My friends looked at my sweater and immediately demanded, "Okay. Who's your date for Homecoming?" I was quite bewildered and asked them to explain what Homecoming had anything to do with my sweater. Apparently today was a Spirit Day - Stoplight Day - and everyone who has a date for the Homecoming dance this weekend was supposed to wear red. And of course, the one day I decide to wear this sweater, which I haven't worn for a month (and it's the only red piece of clothing I have), is the day that wearing red actually means something. Sigh. It was both funny and exasperating when people were like, "ooohh, who's your date?" and each time they asked, I truthfully replied, "Dude. I didn't even know Homecoming was this week." hhahahaa.

So just to clarify, I'm not going to the dance. And I'm not dating. Speaking of dating, I find boyfriend questions very strange as well. I remember quite recently, a classmate asked me, "I heard you're dating so-and-so." And I remember thinking, I am?

Why am I always the last one to find out who I'm dating?

Rumors and gossip are such strange, fickle creatures. It's strange when people ask me questions like that, especially when I've never so much as held hands with any guy in my life.  I'll never understand rumors, but hey, much weirder things have happened. Besides, these kind of incidents always give me a good laugh.

Tomorrow I must tell you about how people were making fun of me today because I didn't know what Viagra is. It was a bit hurtful, but I'll blog about it and feel much better. I must go now and study for my physics test.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Maybe me and romance just aren't the best of buds

Yooo what's up? Anyhow, my friend and I were talking yesterday night about romance and how lots - not all, but many - girls want expensive jewelry and big ol' roses and love songs and candlelit dinners and other scenes taken right out of romantic-comedy movies. Then I told my friend that my idea of romantic is for a guy to give me a piggy back ride after proposing to me.  I'm starting to think maybe I'm not the most romantic person in the world.

It's not that I don't love love, because I do. I think love is beautiful and magical and lalala. But romance is...I see too many relationships in high school based purely on romance and not on love, and I guess that's why I'm kind of wary about romance.

I guess it doesn't help the "romantic" side of me that I hang out with a bunch of awesome and goofy albeit supremely dorky guys at lunch every day.

people talk about love all the time, in movies and songs. I don't know. I have this feeling that love is probably less dramatic than pop culture makes it out to be. I'm not saying love is any less special or wonderful or interesting, by any means. Just...quieter.


Friday, October 15, 2010

I ate the sky today

It tasted like blueberries and strawberries with just a little bit of whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top. I ate the clouds too. They are like cotton candy, except a million gazillion trillion kajillion times better.

Someday I'm going to eat the sunset.


Physics Adventures Continued...

If you read my first blog, you probably already know that a lot of things happen in physics class that aren't exactly related to physics. Don't get me wrong. I love my teacher, he is very good at what he does AND he is really tall; I'm just not all that fond of the subject. The idea that the world can be described purely in terms of force and motion just confounds me - a girl who is prone to stopping in the middle of conversation to pause, look at the sky, point out one cloud or another, and inform whoever happens to be listening, "I want to sleep on that one fluffy cloud with a cup of hot cocoa by my side."

The point is, I'm not really a physics person, which is why I, against my best intentions, end up noticing a whole lot of random stuff in that class.

Today we watched another funny video. It wasn't supposed to be funny, but I thought it was quite amusing. My favorite part hands down is when a guy was windsurfing. As he walked to the beach, his dark hair was so wet that it looked really stringy, like black spider legs. That image distracted me so much that my mind fixated on it for so long that before I knew it, the video had ended. All I know is that the video had something to do with physics and windsurfing. Ah well, I was never a very good movie-watcher. ALways get sidetracked by details. like the time I watched a movie with my friends and I kept thinking how strange this one guy's nose was...

Anyhow, at one point in the physics video a man was showing another man (who was middle aged and somewhat bald) this submarine-like thing; I don't actually remember what it was that he was showing. Then he asked that bald guy if he was excited, and Mr. Baldie replied, in the most serious way, "I am Super Excited!" But he elongated the s sounds, so it came out, "I am ssssssuper exssssssited." For the rest of the class, my table partner and I kept saying, "I AM SSSSSSUPER EXSSSSSSITED!!!!" because that's just how we roll.

P.S. My friend gave me 3 chocolate chip cookies! Today is a good day.

P.P.S. I was flipping through my physics textbook and stumbled across a picture of a guy in short shorts, like the guy in that first video.  I think I'm starting to sense a running theme here...

P.P.S. As much as I admire the male physique, I still think guys look just fine with their clothes on, don't you think? I'm not really into the whole Taylor Lautner thing. Keep your shirt on man. Just keep it on. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


If you know me well, you would know that I hate technology and technology hates me. Detests me. Despises me.

It's a mutual thing.

BUT I finally managed to make the subscribe via email little gadget thing to the left of the poll (I had half a mind to bust out some Beyonce and start singing, To the left, to the left). SO SUBSCRIBE or else all my hard work will have been in vain :(
Also, you'll miss out on doses of craziness. Everyone needs doses of craziness and I happen to have too much of it and would be more than happy to share it with you people.
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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blame my DNA

Good evening peoples!

My friend told me how his mom always yells at him because he's "not smart enough" or "not good-looking enough" (by the way, a mom should NEVER say that her kid is ugly. Just saying). She moans and groans over the fact that his memory maybe isn't the best and he doesn't learn as quickly as she would like him to. Heck, she even criticized him for the pimples on the side of his face.

Did you notice that every single one of these criticisms involves a trait that he can't actually a control? In fact, all of these characteristics are genetic. Biologically speaking, half of his DNA comes from his mom, and half from his dad. So inborn traits like bad memory...well, it's not his "fault"; it's either his dad's "fault" or his mom's. So isn't his mom kind of criticizing herself (or her husband)? It's one thing if she had said, "I wish you would work a bit harder" or "be more responsible." That is a reasonable request. It's another matter altogether to blame one's own child for innate qualities like not having a "good memory."

I love parents. I think that they are generally fantastic and wonderful and without them, more kids would die from drunk driving, STD's, and other bad mistakes. I am grateful for parents and their guidance. But I wish the more critical parents would stop and think a bit before they mindlessly insult their own kids - and in the process, unintentionally insult themselves.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Physics Video That Taught Me Everything But Physics

A few days ago I watched a physics video that, as the title suggested, was fascinating but not particularly helpful to my comprehension of physics. It wasn't the video's fault - I swear - it's just that I kept getting so distracted by little things that I simply was unable to focus on the physics aspect of the video.

For one thing, because it was teaching the concepts of projectiles and "force" on an object, it showed a bunch of athletes running around throwing discs and stuff. I dont' know the actual name for the sport; I just recall a bunch of very athletic men (no women, sadly) throwing balls and discs. These men were unintentionally distraacting in two ways: First of all, they wore really. short. shorts. Guys should NEVER wear short shorts. I cannot reiterate that enough. Guys wearing short shorts is just...wrong. I know of no other way to say it. Second of all, these wonderful young men grunted eaach time they hurled something in the air, which sent the class in a fit of hysterics. I kept wanting to run up to the TV and yell at the screen, hey, guys, take it easy all right?

Also, the video showed segments of Galileo Galilei (by the way, isn't that the most bizarre name? Hilarious but bizarre. Imagine being a parent and introducing your kid to other parents: "Hey everyone. Meet my kid, Galileo Galilei) walking around looking very old and solemn. I wonder how much they paid the actor to dress in a robe, put on a long Dumbledore-esque white beard/wig, and pace his "study room" looking wise and knowledgeable. Do you guys ever wonder hwo much they pay people to be in those science videos? I've always wondered that. Probably also a reason why I never do well when teachers give quizzes on these videos, because I'm always too busy thinking about this stuff.

Well, that's all for today. And if you any of you know the answer to the whole "How much do they pay science video actors" PLEASE LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY.
