The Land of the Ladadahs

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Friday, October 22, 2010

"Do you live under a rock?"

Later today I will upload a blog about the most recent physics video we watched in class today. In the meantime, I want to address something real quick.

People have been asking me if I live under a rock because I am apparently oblivious about a lot of things. If you read my previous blogs, you'd know about the Viagra incident. Similar events have occurred (like my not knowing what a high-water is - they're pants that are too short) that made me want to answer that lovely question, "Do you live under a rock?"

No, I don't. I'll tell you all the places where I live.

I live in my head. It's a strange, bizarre, unpredictable place that I don't understand but love anyway.

I live in the sky. It's a very welcoming place with lots of  fluffy pillows, surreal paint colors and a home-y canvas to paint on. So no, I don't live under a rock. And for the folks who are like, "You don't live in this world, do you?" I guess, maybe I don't live in "this world" - whatever that means.

I live in better places.


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