The Land of the Ladadahs

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Physics Adventures Continued...

If you read my first blog, you probably already know that a lot of things happen in physics class that aren't exactly related to physics. Don't get me wrong. I love my teacher, he is very good at what he does AND he is really tall; I'm just not all that fond of the subject. The idea that the world can be described purely in terms of force and motion just confounds me - a girl who is prone to stopping in the middle of conversation to pause, look at the sky, point out one cloud or another, and inform whoever happens to be listening, "I want to sleep on that one fluffy cloud with a cup of hot cocoa by my side."

The point is, I'm not really a physics person, which is why I, against my best intentions, end up noticing a whole lot of random stuff in that class.

Today we watched another funny video. It wasn't supposed to be funny, but I thought it was quite amusing. My favorite part hands down is when a guy was windsurfing. As he walked to the beach, his dark hair was so wet that it looked really stringy, like black spider legs. That image distracted me so much that my mind fixated on it for so long that before I knew it, the video had ended. All I know is that the video had something to do with physics and windsurfing. Ah well, I was never a very good movie-watcher. ALways get sidetracked by details. like the time I watched a movie with my friends and I kept thinking how strange this one guy's nose was...

Anyhow, at one point in the physics video a man was showing another man (who was middle aged and somewhat bald) this submarine-like thing; I don't actually remember what it was that he was showing. Then he asked that bald guy if he was excited, and Mr. Baldie replied, in the most serious way, "I am Super Excited!" But he elongated the s sounds, so it came out, "I am ssssssuper exssssssited." For the rest of the class, my table partner and I kept saying, "I AM SSSSSSUPER EXSSSSSSITED!!!!" because that's just how we roll.

P.S. My friend gave me 3 chocolate chip cookies! Today is a good day.

P.P.S. I was flipping through my physics textbook and stumbled across a picture of a guy in short shorts, like the guy in that first video.  I think I'm starting to sense a running theme here...

P.P.S. As much as I admire the male physique, I still think guys look just fine with their clothes on, don't you think? I'm not really into the whole Taylor Lautner thing. Keep your shirt on man. Just keep it on. :)

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