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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Physics Video That Taught Me Everything But Physics

A few days ago I watched a physics video that, as the title suggested, was fascinating but not particularly helpful to my comprehension of physics. It wasn't the video's fault - I swear - it's just that I kept getting so distracted by little things that I simply was unable to focus on the physics aspect of the video.

For one thing, because it was teaching the concepts of projectiles and "force" on an object, it showed a bunch of athletes running around throwing discs and stuff. I dont' know the actual name for the sport; I just recall a bunch of very athletic men (no women, sadly) throwing balls and discs. These men were unintentionally distraacting in two ways: First of all, they wore really. short. shorts. Guys should NEVER wear short shorts. I cannot reiterate that enough. Guys wearing short shorts is just...wrong. I know of no other way to say it. Second of all, these wonderful young men grunted eaach time they hurled something in the air, which sent the class in a fit of hysterics. I kept wanting to run up to the TV and yell at the screen, hey, guys, take it easy all right?

Also, the video showed segments of Galileo Galilei (by the way, isn't that the most bizarre name? Hilarious but bizarre. Imagine being a parent and introducing your kid to other parents: "Hey everyone. Meet my kid, Galileo Galilei) walking around looking very old and solemn. I wonder how much they paid the actor to dress in a robe, put on a long Dumbledore-esque white beard/wig, and pace his "study room" looking wise and knowledgeable. Do you guys ever wonder hwo much they pay people to be in those science videos? I've always wondered that. Probably also a reason why I never do well when teachers give quizzes on these videos, because I'm always too busy thinking about this stuff.

Well, that's all for today. And if you any of you know the answer to the whole "How much do they pay science video actors" PLEASE LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY.


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